I Welcome You in Jesus name

I Welcome You in Jesus name, May God Bless You


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 I am working as an Electro Technical Officer in offshore fleet. If you would like to know more about me press here. If you happened to see my website, I would like to know about you. Please send me an email in the below address if you would like to contact me. If you have any specific queries, please send it to me. I have made few presentations about Bible which are available below. May God bless you.
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Christian presentations

( Whenever I change the contents of the presentations, I will change the the number of version. Please check you have latest version. I request you to share this web pages or any presentations in social sites)

1.v.1.Mysteries of life

You can also get the translation of `Mysteries of Universe' in many international languages here. It is translated using Google translator. So please compare with the English version where there is doubt.

2.v.1.Stories of Jesus

4.v.1.Evolution or creation

5.v.1.how Christians should live in a country

(Only for Christians)

2.c.v.1.Money and the Church

3.c.v.1.Are you a saint

4.c.v.1.should you cover your head in church

5.c.v.2.Mary, Mother of Jesus

6.c.v.2.The Christian baptism

7.c.v.1.Is re marriage permitted in Christianity

9.c.v.1.Jesus is God

10.c.v.2.The missionary journeys of Paul-Ist journey

10.c.v.2.The missionary Journeys of Paul-second journey

10.c.v.2.The missionary Journeys of Paul-third journey

10.c.v.1.The missionary Journeys of Paul-final journey to Rome